Dear Family and Friends,
What a wonderful week it was! First off, thank you so much all of your birthday greetings. It truly was the best birthday in my life!
This week we had a couple of really great experiences. WE went and visited a referral up on Dulan which is about a 25 minute drive from Taidong, so we had a member take us up, they were amazing! THe husband is from India and the wife is from Taiwan and they are genuinely interested in knowing the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. THey are just so wonderful! We are excited to visit them again this week. THey are the Kumar Family. It is great to find a family with genuine interest becasue lately all of our investigators have lost interest, which has been rough. We are going to be working hard to find new people this week!

But the highlight of the week was definiely on Thrusday. Brother Hou, a counselor in teh Branch Presidency, called us and said, "Can you come visit us today, my wife is not doing so well." So we went over to their house, and when we got there Brother Hous said, "WE have some otehr people coming over as well." Then in walked Hu HuiNa and Tracy and Sister Li who I helped get baptized while I was here. They were carrying cakes and cards and Sister Hou said, "Sister Collyer, did you really think we would all forget your birthday?" IT was wonderful! It was so funny because Tracy and Hu HuiNa had cancelled our appointments that day and I was SO sad about it, but it was just because they wanted to surprise me. All their kids were there too and it was really fantastic. I just lvoe them all so much. It turns out that last time My companion Sister Wu was on exchanges (Almost a month ago) She went over and talked to Sister Hou and set this all up, and I didn't know a thing about it! Man, could my companion be any better? I just love her so much!

I am sorry I don't have many pictures right now, but Brother Hou videotaped the whole thing and he will give me acopy so when I get home I will share it with you. BUt I do have a picture of me hugging come of the children. And also a picture of Sister Hou - she is the one with the striped shirt. Man, I just love them all so much! I was so touched. And a couple of the kids drew pictures of me and I am excited to show you the pictures - they are wonderful! Tracy's son - Liang HongTeng - also proposed to me. I guess I will just have to wait about 20 years!
I just love being a missionary because i have really had the chance to see people's lives change. Missionary work is not always easy - actually it gets rough and sad some times. But experiences like that, where you can see how the Love of our savior Jesus Christ has truly changed peoples lives - there is no joy in teh world that can compare to teh joy of the gospel.

I know that God sent me on a mission hree in Taidong becaue I need these people. My life has completely changed becasue of them. This may be my last week in Taidong, but my heart will be here forever. Truly it is here that I came to know and feel the love of my savior Jesus Christ. I like a scripture in Mosiah 18:30. It is talking about how the people who were baptized my Alma the Older feel about the place where they learned of the goodness of Jesus Christ. "And now it came to pass that all this was done in Mormon, yea, by the waters of Mormon, in the forest that was near the waters of Mormon; yea, the place of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who there came to the knowledge of their Redeemer; yea, and how blessed are they, for they shall sing to his praise forever."
And now it came to pass that all this was done in Taidong, yea, by the beach of Taidong, and in the rice fields near the beach of Taidong, yeah, the place of Taidong, and beach of Taidong, the rice fields of Taidong, how beautiful they are in my eyes, for it is here that I have truly come to know my Redeemer, and how blessed am I, and I shall sing to praise His name forever.
The worst part of being a missionary is that is comes to an end. But there is one thing I do know - I will truly Thank God everyday for the opportunity I had to serve.
I love you all and hope all is well.
Sister Collyer